What is triangulation?


Like the title says. I’m trying to explain triangulation to my actual five year old, but don’t really understand it myself. Help!

In: Earth Science

12 Answers

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There are a bunch of wonderful answers on here already, but just to add, your brain does this automatically whenever you see or hear something.

Your eyes are two points, and if you know how big an object is, you get enough points and angles to estimate how far away it is.

Your ears hear sounds individually, so whenever a noise sounds, even with your eyes closed, you can still point out a direction the noise is coming from, and (if you can identify what the noise is) how far away it is.

(Also, because we only have two ears, it can be hard to determine if a sound is coming from either directly in front of you, or directly behind you, because the sound is equidistant from both ears.)

Both instances are your brain using triangulation to give you enough information to interact with the world, which blows my mind whenever I think about it.

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