What is virtual memory and how is it different than RAM?


What is virtual memory and how is it different than RAM?

In: 41

11 Answers

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When I go to my local sports arena to watch American football, the groundskeepers prepare everything beforehand. They spend days laying turf in the proper areas, setting up goalposts, etc. When I get there, it looks like a football stadium.

Three days later, there is a rock concert there. The groundskeepers roll up the turf, and disasseble the goalposts. Then they build a stage, and add a bunch of bleachers. When the music fans come it, it is a music venue.

The next week, there is a baseball game. The groundskeepers disassemble the stage, take down most of the bleachers, and bring out the rolls of turf. They assemble a dugout and a batter’s cage. When the baseball fans come in, they see a baseball stadium.

In all events, it is the same place. Every event uses the same field. Their fans use the same parking places. But for a short perod of time, it is customised for a particular user.

When that user comes back a seond time, it will look like nothing changed since their previous visit. To them, it is always a place that hosts their event. Lost of other events may have happened in the intervening time, but they don’t see that.

There are huge storage places underneath much of the seating. The groundskeeper may even rent a local warehouse to store stuff when not in use.

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