What is voltage?


Recently, we’ve been studying electricity at school and one thing I’m incredibly confused about is voltage. When I try to find explanations, I find people using analogies to give a basic idea but actually not explain what it is?

So far, I believe that Voltage acts like a pushing force force the current to flow. Is this correct? or Is there anything I’m missing.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

voltage is the potential difference between two points. the amount of “pressure” that would be there if you connected them, if you allow flow. one of those points has a higher charge than the other and voltage is how we describe that difference.

i have never liked the pressure analogy because electricity isn’t pushed, if anything it is pulled, like water flowing downhill. the measure of how steep the hill is would be the voltage, but it is still only potential until we say how much water (amps). so then the energy of how steep the hill and how much water together would be watts (volts X amps).

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