What is voltage?


Recently, we’ve been studying electricity at school and one thing I’m incredibly confused about is voltage. When I try to find explanations, I find people using analogies to give a basic idea but actually not explain what it is?

So far, I believe that Voltage acts like a pushing force force the current to flow. Is this correct? or Is there anything I’m missing.

In: Physics

7 Answers

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So, imagine electricity like water in a rubber hose. Wattage is the volume of water. Amperage is how wide the hose needs to be to allow for the water to flow at that rate. And voltage is the amount of pressure behind it.

Of course, amperage changes when the wattage goes up or down. More volume needs a bigger channel. But also, changing the voltage will change the amperage. If you use more pressure on the hose, the channel becomes smaller.

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