What is voltage?


Recently, we’ve been studying electricity at school and one thing I’m incredibly confused about is voltage. When I try to find explanations, I find people using analogies to give a basic idea but actually not explain what it is?

So far, I believe that Voltage acts like a pushing force force the current to flow. Is this correct? or Is there anything I’m missing.

In: Physics

7 Answers

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Electrical charges like to be in some places more than others. When the move from a place they like less toward a place they like more, they accelerate, doing work. Unsurprisingly (but it pays to spell these things out explicitly), the places that positive charges like are the same places negative charges dislike, and vice versa.

The way we quantify this being-liked-by-electric-charges characteristic of places is with a concept called *electric (or electrostatic) potential.* Its units are volts.

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