– What is Web 3.0, and why is it a big deal?


– What is Web 3.0, and why is it a big deal?

In: 1354

20 Answers

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First, let’s be clear – the web doesn’t really have versions. Web 1, 2 and 3 are just terms intended to describe shifting trends in how the web is used.

So Web 1 refers to when the web was basically just a big library of linked documents on pages that you could read. If you knew HTML and CSS and how to run a server, you could put up your own web page other people could read.

Web 2 refers to the era which started around the turn of the millennium where better server and consumer hardware and software technology meant what we did with the web and how we used it shifted in to an *interactive* platform – social media, user-generated content, applications which ran in your browser.

Web 3 is largely undefined at the moment and is really just a broad term for the “next era” of the web, whatever that may be. As a term, it’s mostly used in the blockchain and crypto space, since the advocates of those systems believe the future of the web will be based around them. In particular they point to decentralization as a contrast to the web 2 trend whereby a lot of data and a lot of the things people used are controlled by a very small number of big, international businesses like Google, Amazon and Meta (Facebook).

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