What is “wet bulb temperature” and why does it matter?


What is “wet bulb temperature” and why does it matter?

In: 3256

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically a wet thermometer that measures the temp with 100% humidity.

Once your sweat, measured by the thermometer with a wet “bulb” around it, it means your body can’t actively cool itself (sweat evaporates from your skin cooling you) it means no matter what, since you can’t cool yourself, your pretty screwed and things like heatstroke etc can happen.

In Texas they stopped waterbreaks by law and it’s been crazy hot there. Funny thing is, in the military (at least in my experience) they had this board and temp measuring stuff theyd put outside. There were levels of heat and certain levels required certain precautions to be put in place during training, outside labor, etc.

When it got *real hot*, we’d have everyone roll their sleeves down (keeping sweat from evaporating quickly) thus keeping you cooler (and yes it works even tho you’d think you’d be hotter) and other stuff like water breaks at set intervals, etc.

So even basic stuff the military has had around forever, Texas outlawed by nixing water breaks.

Absolutely batshit insane.

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