What keeps the cells of multi cellular organisms stuck together?


I remember from high school biology that cells form tissues and then from these tissues organs are created, etc.

However what’s not clear for me is: What stops a cell tissue from totally collapsing back to a clump of cells? Why animals, plants and even some fungi don’t just… Melt?

In: 7

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The membranes of the cells are tightly linked together by proteins that form “cell-cell junctions”. There are a bunch of different kinds of them. Tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions. Those junctions basically staple the cells together. Some of them are basically permanent, and others can be switched on and off, so the cell can adjust how tightly attached it is (because sometimes cells need to move around).

you can look those words up to learn more.

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