What makes a gene either strong or weak, in terms of expression and chance/s of inheritance? Why are some genes more likely to be passed on than others?


What makes a gene either strong or weak, in terms of expression and chance/s of inheritance? Why are some genes more likely to be passed on than others?

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3 Answers

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The actual mechanic behind what makes a gene strong or weak eludes me. But certain things can be known about how what kind of genes get passed on.

In general: Good genes are strong and bad genes are weak. Due simply to the probability of evolution. Let’s very simply consider the following case situation: You have a large population with completely random sets of genes of 4 types Good/strong, Good/weak, Bad/strong and bad/weak for every of their features.

People will reproduce between each other without any care. After a few dozen generation you should observe the following: A large amount of the population will show a lot of good genes, either weak or strong and the bad/strong genes will probably have almost disappeared.

Now why does it happens? If any individual of said population has too many Bad/strong genes, they are unlikely to survive long. Which make them unlikely to reproduce. Bad strong genes that can override potentially better option will simply weed themselves out of the system. Contrarily, Good/strong genes on the contrary will increase the probability that you survive and reproduce.

As a result, any bad strong gene will have a tendency to disappear over time, while good strong genes will flourish. Bad weak will mostly survive because they’re hidden. And most of the time, they’ll remain as such unless they match with someone with more bad weak genes and one has to be picked. And even then, it would only become a problem IF there are enough bad genes that are being used to counterbalance all the good genes that work.

So in general: Good genes are strong and bad genes are weak. Exception being in humans where we can survive bad genes and work around them long enough (bad eyesight and glasses) and random mutations. Although, said mutation should weed themselves out naturally if they are too much of a burden again.

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