What makes a weapon anti-air or anti-tank? Would anti-air be effective against tanks? Could we create one weapon that covers both, or even all possible targets?


What makes a weapon anti-air or anti-tank? Would anti-air be effective against tanks? Could we create one weapon that covers both, or even all possible targets?

In: 864

141 Answers

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1a jet is fast,has lots of countermessures to throw off a missiles tracking system (like flares and chaff,even speed and manuver) tank has diffrent counter mesures like era,aps,or automatic smoke dispensers

2in order to destroy a tank, you need penetration at all costs,the biggest defence in a tanks arsenal is its armour and manuverabilty(which is way waay less than a plane) and in order to penetrate you need heavy ammunition, and those ammunitions are tend to be slow and doesnt have lots of fuel for a jet chase

3a lot of anti air missiles or shells work by getting close to a target, and exploding it so it doesnt need pinpoint accuracy and can destroy a target by getting it relativly close to it so it doesnt need to penetrate and it doesnt,those kind of shells are useless against tanks

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