What makes certain injections more painful than others?


For example, many people stated that the second round of the COVID 19 vaccine hurt more than the first. Then people who went on to get the booster claimed that hurt more than the first and second covid vaccines. What exactly is making the vaccines itself hurt?

In: 6

5 Answers

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Sometimes the injection just hits a nerve.

Other than that, it could be the skill of the person administering. A tentative hand will generally be more uncomfortable than someone who just darts it in there.

It could be the equipment. If the needle has been dulled by puncturing the top of the canister then it’s not going to go through the skin as well.

Finally, some shots have components that are specifically designed to irritate the tissue called adjuvants. This is to provoke the body into an outsized response, which allows less of the active ingredients to be used while maintaining full effectiveness.

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