What makes certain injections more painful than others?


For example, many people stated that the second round of the COVID 19 vaccine hurt more than the first. Then people who went on to get the booster claimed that hurt more than the first and second covid vaccines. What exactly is making the vaccines itself hurt?

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5 Answers

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Needle size and sharpness. Some fluids need a larger needle to pas through, and some needles aren’t perfect out of the package. Also, experience of the needle-pusher comes into play (the needle needs to go straight in, straight out, and a perfect depth).
Also, the fluid itself is pushing outward from the injection site into nerve endings, which adds at least a small amount of discomfort to the mix.
This isn;’t even mentioning the miraiad of physiological and immunosuppressive reactions your body ignites at the site, as well, and the body can react quite differently each time.

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