What makes different programming languages “better” than others? Or more powerful? Why have different languages developed over time? Are they all based on the same thing?


What makes different programming languages “better” than others? Or more powerful? Why have different languages developed over time? Are they all based on the same thing?

In: 187

78 Answers

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There’s a sliding scale of “Easy to code, more intensive to run,” to “Harder to code, easier to run.”

Certain programming languages makes coding in them easier, but some of the processing power needs to be used to turn the code into machine language the processor can use, so they aren’t suited for certain tasks.

Others are more tedious to code in, but runs faster due to being “closer” to what a processor uses.

That’s also why you’ll see things like video games using multiple programming languages at the same time; certain languages are faster, others are easier to code in.

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