What makes different programming languages “better” than others? Or more powerful? Why have different languages developed over time? Are they all based on the same thing?


What makes different programming languages “better” than others? Or more powerful? Why have different languages developed over time? Are they all based on the same thing?

In: 187

78 Answers

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Say you have a single family house. Of course you‘d want to live in it, but that‘s not the only thing you could do. You could also store stuff in it, or perhaps produce stuff. While you can do those things in it, it‘s not really good at that.

So instead you choose a warehouse for storing a whole bunch of stuff, and you get a factory hall for producing things.

At the end of the day a family house, a warehouse and a factory hall are all made from the same stuff and they‘re all houses, but they‘re made for totally different jobs.

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