What makes different programming languages “better” than others? Or more powerful? Why have different languages developed over time? Are they all based on the same thing?


What makes different programming languages “better” than others? Or more powerful? Why have different languages developed over time? Are they all based on the same thing?

In: 187

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are all based on the same thing, kind of. They have to tell a specific family of processors what to do. But that’s done with 1s and 0s, and nobody’s got time for that shit. It can be done, but it ain’t fun and it ain’t fast.

So instead of using “machine language” people developed assembly language to make it a little easier for humans. The assembly language gets translated back to machine language by using a special-purpose computer program.

So you write a program and it gets turned into a simpler program by using a program. Why not take it a step farther?

Since assembly language still kind of sucks, people started creating higher-level languages that are much easier for humans to use. Over time, even the next higher level. Some of the older languages are kind of janky and aren’t used much any more. Humans do learn to improve things, and software tools are certainly no exception.

Different programming languages have different advantages and disadvantages. Other’s have gone into that.

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