What makes drinking Gatorade and other sports drinks better than drinking other beverages during games?


What makes drinking Gatorade and other sports drinks better than drinking other beverages during games?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gatorade has a bunch of sugar first and foremost. You use a lot of energy while exercising, and sugar is easy for the body to break down and use for energy.

Gatorade also contains electrolytes such as potassium and calcium. Your body sweats these out during exercise and they need to be replaced. These electrolytes are involved in the muscles of your body, so replacing them can increase performance.

That being said, there’s no significant benefits for most people. Standard exercise shouldn’t deplete you to the point of needing any of those things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, first, sports drinks are not necessarily better than plain water — it’s debated. But the idea is that they have [electrolytes](https://fictionalcompanies.fandom.com/wiki/Brawndo) to replace what the body loses during physical exertion, so in that sense sports drinks are “better” than something like soda which is just sugar water.