What makes instincts a thing?


Is there a biological process in which they are somehow handed down like genetic factors, or are there other elements in play besides modeling, which clearly doesn’t happen all the time?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Millions of years of evolution.

If you go ziplining, your brain knows you’re hooked into a harness, and (most likely) no harm is going to come to you, but when you try to take that first step off the platform into midair with nothing but the earth hundreds of feet below you, your primordial instincts — your “lizard brain” — the part of you that has been with you since caveman days — tells you not to do it, because it doesn’t look or feel safe, even though it is.

That’s instinct — self-preservation instinct to be precise. There are many types of instincts that Man has developed over the millenia; this is just one example.

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