My dad had it- when we discovered it they said he had until the end of the year (it was summer). We switched hospitals and got 4 years with him. I didn’t realize that was considered long for pancreatic cancer until I attended the pancreatic walk and they started pulling people on stage who were in remission. They started so low- 1 month, 2 months, 3 months. There was only five people there who had been in remission for more than three years. And only one past five years.
It’s location. It’s in the middle of all vital organs. Pancreatic cancer “always” metastasize. I lost my dad to pancreatic cancer in 2022. it was detected in March 2022 due to abdomen pain (last stage). I think it was chemo and radiation which kept him alive for 9 more months before he passed away in Dec 2022.
My mother had abdominal pain severe enough to land in the ER. They did a scan and discovered spots on her pancreas. They opened her up a few days later to clear a bowel blockage and explore how advanced it was. They immediately closed her up as the cancer was everywhere. She died the next week. The only thing I can say is that she was healthy and vibrant until then. She lived in her own house, travelled extensively (she was only 75) and lived life to the fullest. I’m so sad it took her so quickly but she didn’t suffer much. I’m grateful for that.
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