What makes the difference between “what the temperature feels like” and “actual temperature”?


Most of the time on weather forecasts it says the actual temperature with a similar temp that shows “What It Feels Like” and it actually does feel hotter or colder that day just like what it says. But I am wondering what factors make up why it is different and how do meteorologists tell.

In: 6

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Temperature is the true temperature of the air.

Feels-like factors in the fact that we humans are hotter than the air, and wind or moisture affect our abilities to stay warm.

Let me redirect you to my top comment of all time lol… https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/zu1ncz/eli5_theres_the_temp_and_then_the_feels_like_temp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1

Anonymous 0 Comments

The differences are from several factors. Typically humidity, wind, and cloud cover.

Think about it like this. If it was 80F, 95% humidity, completely still air, and no cloud cover, being outside would feel very hot and muggy.

If the same days was 80F, 30% humidity, steady breeze, and overcast, being outside would feel very comfortable.

The “feels like” temperature is just taking these things into account.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The more correct, and more useful, terms are heat index and wind chill.

Heat index takes into account humidity, as high humidity reduces heat loss from sweat evaporation. Wind chill takes into account wind speed, which causes more cooling. Both of these are human-centric measurements calibrated to a human maintaining normal human temperature.

(Wikipedia explains both well, should you want more details.)