Hi there, never really thought about it before, but now am at vacation with a lot of time on my hands. Where I am 2 days before it was about 40° C but yesterday it was about 30° C.
Afaik there was no wind, not a lot in any case, all the flags are staying down. There is not a trace of a cloud in the sky. What makes a day hotter or cooler?
In: 5
The atmosphere is’nt a big homogenous bubble of air. There are masses of air that constantly shift and move. When a colder mass of air arrives (a cold front), the temperatur lowers, even if there’s no cloud in the sky.
For example if you look at [this weather map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_map#/media/File:Surface_analysis.gif), the blue lines represent cold fronts. Everything in front of them will soon experiment a drop in temperature. On the contrary, red lines represent warm fronts.
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