What on earth is postmodernism?


What on earth is postmodernism?

In: 13

11 Answers

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Basically it’s a rebellion against the modern system. Whatever rules or justifications the modern system uses, post-modernism rejects them. It says that those rules or justifications aren’t neutral or naturally occurring, they exist as something specific to your culture or society.

Let’s say one kid gets good grades in school, while another gets bad grades. You might think “oh Timmy is so smart, while Ricky is kinda dumb”. But that assumes that the school itself is fair, which you haven’t proven. Maybe Timmy has parents who spend 3 hours a night with him doing his homework, but Ricky’s mom is passed out drunk every night, and his dad ran off five years ago.

Post-modernism says that the basic assumptions that modernism accepts as being true, aren’t true. Or at least, they aren’t true all the time. And if you changed your assumptions, you’d get different results.

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