What physically is happening when your blood pressure goes up?


Are your blood vessels contracting? Your heart pumping harder? Faster? Is there more blood in you than normal???!

What physically is happening to increase the pressure in the pipes?

In: 42

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yep thats pretty much it.

So there’s two ways either it’s a physiological or pathological response. In physiological your vessels contract, heart rate goes up and you retain sodium which sucks water into the vessels. In pathological usually the vessels are stiff with plaques from cholesterol and dead white blood cells so the arteries can never relax. The kidneys are also often damaged and can’t effectively filter the blood. Due to other cormorbidities such as heart disease you then can’t overcome this by reducing sodium and heart rate and your blood pressure is persistently raised which then puts more strain on the system. This is why you’re more likely to develop a stroke and heart attack or angina with raised blood pressure and why it should be controlled.

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