What physically is happening when your blood pressure goes up?


Are your blood vessels contracting? Your heart pumping harder? Faster? Is there more blood in you than normal???!

What physically is happening to increase the pressure in the pipes?

In: 42

7 Answers

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>Are your blood vessels contracting? Your heart pumping harder? Faster? Is there more blood in you than normal???!

All of the above can raise your blood pressure

Blood pressue is simply a measure of the pressure inside a pipe (in this case your arteries). You can affect the pressure by making the pipes smaller, pumping more blood through it, increasing the force of the pump that is pumping things.

In the short term, like when you are stressed or exercising, its usually a combination of the heart beating faster and harder and your blood vessels constricting.

Over the long term, high blood pressure is generally caused by buildup of plaque inside the vessels, narrowing their diameter. The decreased diametre of the blood vessel leads to a higher pressure travelling through it due to Boyles law

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