What prevents scientists from being able model what was before the Big Bang?


What prevents scientists from being able model what was before the Big Bang?

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29 Answers

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You’re thinking about the Big Bang all wrong. The Big Bang was an explosion of possibilities in a high level dimension. The entirety of space, time, the multiverse, it’s all basically the fiery explosion of the Big Bang. We can’t model what came before because we have no evidence that what we call reality even existed before it did.

If you were standing in an explosion you would feel incredible heat and a massive force pushing you away from the epicenter. If you were *born* in that explosion you would think the heat and force were fundamental laws of the universe. “Yeah, reality is hot and always pushes you away from the center of things.” In this scenario you would be the swirling dust in a cloud of heat and light.

That’s literally what’s happening. You exist in a multidimensional explosion, you’re a swirling eddy of possibility in an expanding cloud of time and space. We have no idea what things could possibly be like before or outside the Big Bang because our only reference point is from within it

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