what processed food is and why it is bad for us

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what processed food is and why it is bad for us

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8 Answers

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Dr. Michael Greger put it this way: “If it comes in a bag, a box or a can, don’t eat it.”

What the food industry doesn’t want you to know is that there are a whole lot of parts of different foods that are essentially inedible. But through modern chemical engineering and “food science”, they don’t have to waste those parts anymore. Now they can turn these things into edible substances that look similar to actual food, and sell them to you for profits! They’ve engineered the taste and “mouth feel” to be as addictive as possible.

Read the ingredients. The “enzymes” in bread are often from the intestines of animals. Bologna and hot dogs are made from the meat that couldn’t be cost-effectively trimmed from the carcass, so it was chemically separated, then processed to remove most of the chemicals, then made into “meat.”

There’s a whole lot more, but I’ll let you do your own research.

Try this (it only works once, so pay attention when you do it.) Drink nothing but water for two months. Then try to drink a soda. It will be one of the nastiest things you’ve ever tried to drink. Acidic, bitter and hyper-sweet at the same time. But you’ll get used to that after the second one, then you’ll start to crave sodas again.

If you try this again a year or two later, it won’t work. I don’t know why, but all my friends and kids who’ve done this had the same experience.

Packaged foods are not made to be healthy. They’re made to keep you buying more of them. They are designed to be as addictive as possible.

Learn to cook and cook your own meals from whole foods. Every meal, every day. You’ll save money and be much healthier for it.

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