What role does your mucous have when you’re sick.


I currently have covid. I was wondering why the mucous has different colors and what is it’s role in the infection process.

In: 59

5 Answers

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Pretty much the same as it always does. It is washing away the various things in your nose and sinuses. That includes the bacteria that always live there, fungus, particulate material, allergens, you name it. If it’s in your world, it’s up your nose!

You make roughly a quart of mucus a day and it’s always flowing. The reason it seems like so much more when you’re sick is that the underlying mucosa is inflamed. The mucus slows and thickens over the inflamed tissue. That thickened mucus will then over grow with bacteria and make nasty colors.

This is why washing the thick mucus away (with saline) can be so helpful. You’ll feel better by getting that yuck out of your nose.

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