What skills could an F1 racer possibly need?


(disclaimer: I barely watch F1 race)

I’m always puzzled when I hear people refer to a racer as very skilled or very talented, what skills could they possibly need? Isn’t the aim of the race to reach the finish line first? Shouldn’t you just get a really fast car and let it do most of the work, while you try not to crash?

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Trying to not crash” miht sound simple, before you realize you are doing this on a car that needs to make turns at 160+mph and you are stuck in this very tight and hot vehicle for multiple hours at a time. and dont forget thru the sheer speed along ythey are being subjected to rapid G changes(not as extreme as lets say a fighter Pilot, but still way beyond your run of the mill driver can take.)

you are already talking about very strong reflexes and endurance, an untrained individual would mostl ikely pass out just from the heat of being cooked up inside an F1’s car Cabin for that long.

its not a conicidence that F1 Drivers rank among some of the best paid people in the world.

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