What stops animals’ fur from getting too long in the wild?


Obviously wild animals can’t get their fur trimmed every now and then so how does it stay at a relatively consistent length? Does animal fur start growing when animals are born and then just stop at one point?

In: 3

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It falls out when it gets to a certain length based on their genes? Many dogs you see are domesticated by man and would not survive in the wild.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They will often rub against things like trees to scratch the itch of old hair. Also most have a cycle of shedding a couple of times a year.
They also groom themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most animals shed at certain lengths. It’s only through selective breeding that we’ve removed that trait from certain species. There are lots of species of wild sheep for example that do not need to be sheared. We built the dependency on us to be sheared so that we could use them for wool.

In humans, it’s likely that we lost our tendency to shed through sexual selection and the ability to groom ourselves when desired.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most hair actually stops growing after a certain length and falls out to be replaced with a new hair. Most of our body hair is like this as it is for most animals with fur. The hair we grow on top of our head is unusual because it doesn’t really have a maximum length.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They will often rub against things like trees to scratch the itch of old hair. Also most have a cycle of shedding a couple of times a year.
They also groom themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They will often rub against things like trees to scratch the itch of old hair. Also most have a cycle of shedding a couple of times a year.
They also groom themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It falls out when it gets to a certain length based on their genes? Many dogs you see are domesticated by man and would not survive in the wild.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It falls out when it gets to a certain length based on their genes? Many dogs you see are domesticated by man and would not survive in the wild.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most hair actually stops growing after a certain length and falls out to be replaced with a new hair. Most of our body hair is like this as it is for most animals with fur. The hair we grow on top of our head is unusual because it doesn’t really have a maximum length.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most hair actually stops growing after a certain length and falls out to be replaced with a new hair. Most of our body hair is like this as it is for most animals with fur. The hair we grow on top of our head is unusual because it doesn’t really have a maximum length.