what the difference is between DUI, DWI, and OWI in the USA?

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what the difference is between DUI, DWI, and OWI in the USA?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


There are 50 states, plus some other jurisdictions. Each has a legislature and those folks choose the names for crimes. They don’t all choose the same thing because there is nobody to make them. I’m sure that if you cornered each legislator, they’d have some good reason for their choice. I might even be “That’s what other states call it.”, some of the time. But all of the time so it’s always the same, that’s not American.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The terminology is going to vary by jurisdiction.

In some areas, it’s Driving Under the Influence. In others, it’s Driving While Impaired or Operating While Impaired/Intoxicated.

Some jurisdictions have different distinctions for driving while drunk vs high, and others just leave them all in a single blanket law.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different states use different acronyms. Some use them interchangeably, some don’t. Typically,

DUI = driving under the influence of alcohol

DWI = driving while intoxicated – could be from anything, alcohol, drugs, medication

But many states just have one and use it for everything. OUI and OWI are the same just for ‘operating’ instead of driving, as in ‘operating a vehicle.’

Some states also have more or different ones, like NY has “DWAI,” driving while ability-impaired, or Virginia has “DUI-D” for drugs instead of alcohol.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different places have different terms for the same crime, but in all cases it means to be driving/operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s as simple as different places calling it different things.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in the US is a state-regulated thing. Each state has the right to pass its own laws when it comes to driving while intoxicated (DWI), and no two jurisdictions will regulate operating while impaired (OWI) in the same way – the limits, enforcement, and penalties can all vary. But in addition to the exact legal definition of and penalties for driving while ability impaired (DWAI), the exact terminology used to describe the crime of operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant (OVUII) varies from state to state. That’s why it seems like there are tons of different terms to describe the singular crime of operating a motor vehicle while impaired (OMVI).

Just remember, despite what the french language may tell you, you should never OUI (operate under the influence) while in public. Or in private, for that matter.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a mix-and-match system.

D = Driving

O = Operating

W = While

U = Under

I = Intoxicated, Influence, or Impaired

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the USA, DUI, DWI, and OWI are all ways to say someone is in trouble for driving after drinking alcohol or using drugs. DUI means “Driving Under the Influence,” DWI means “Driving While Intoxicated,” and OWI means “Operating While Intoxicated.” They all mean pretty much the same thing: the person shouldn’t be driving because they’re not safe, but different states use different letters and words to say it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different states have different terms used in their statutes. They are all the same. In my state, OWI is preferred because the laws, as written, also apply to vehicles other than motor vehicles (such as boats, aircraft, etc.). Weirdly, it even applies even to bicycles, if you are riding them on a public roadway.