What the heck is Blue Raspberry?


Where did the idea of blue raspberry come from? Why is it such a common flavor in the US?

In: 166

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Artificial flavor and color. Marketing uses the term “blue raspberry” to let people know that the item they’re consuming will be raspberry-flavored and have a blue color, presumably to differentiate it from other red berry flavors like strawberry and cherry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Artificial colors serve both an aesthetic but also practical purpose: to help people figure out what they are looking at with a glance.

The story starts when people wanted to make a raspberry flavored water-ice. Sounds great, right? And because raspberries are red, the water-ice should be red, right?

Well, unfortunately red was already a widely used color with strawberry, cherry, and watermelon so throwing in another red would make it hard to distinguish.

So they decided to turn raspberry flavored water-ice blue, which was not a highly contested color. And to make it interesting and clear they called it “blue-raspberry”. Over the years people have taken more and more liberties with blue-raspberry and added other flavors to it beyond just raspberry. Thats why it tastes so different from raspberry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Red is used for lots of other flavors, raspberry is late to this game, and blue is a newly available food color that isn’t associated with much else.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Isn’t it made with castoreum, the chemical from a beaver’s anal glands? That’s what I heard

Anonymous 0 Comments

MatPat does a great theory video on this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All I know is if you set out a bowl of Jolly Ranchers in the office (remember offices? lol) it would eventually contain only blue raspberry candies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who did it first? Wouldn’t it be obvious why it exists if we knew for what?