: what the Stuxnet virus is and why it was so successful


I mean Worm not Virus

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18 Answers

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It was successful because it managed to infect an isolated (air-gapped) computers. These computers were all completely disconnected from the internet, so there was no way to send the Worm over.

To get around this, USB thumb drives were just dropped in the parking lot with the worm on them. Human curiosity took over.

One of the people working on that isolated network found the drive and plugged it in to see what was on it… and the worm immediate went to work.

The worm itself wasn’t terribly complicated. It just made a spinning thing spin too fast and break. And it really only does that one thing (well, that and spread itself).

If you had stuxnet on your computer, it really wouldn’t do anything dramatic. But if you were using that computer to control large industrial centrifuges, then stux would be an issue.

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