: what the Stuxnet virus is and why it was so successful


I mean Worm not Virus

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18 Answers

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Stuxnet was a 0 day exploit – meaning the centrifuges controlling systems in the plant were infected with the original software release for the centrifuges. Siemen the manufacturer of the equipment and software released the exploit with its production installations. The Worm was given to five different companies who were working with Siemens. The worm was introduced into these subcontractors via thumb drives that were plugged into desktops by employees of the subcontractors. Siemens internal systems were infected by the interfacing with these subcontractors, Stuxnet was successful because it didn’t cripple the machines quickly, and by regulating the centrifuge speed it would cause physical failures in the equipment and because the failures were mechanical they didnt look for software exploits for a long time. . The exploit was specifically targeted at unique machines used in this plant.

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