: what the Stuxnet virus is and why it was so successful


I mean Worm not Virus

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18 Answers

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The other commenter has already answers what is was.

Why was it so successful?

1. It was probably developed by one of the best cyber security agencies in the world (Mossad / Israel) in partnership with a country with really, really deep pockets and a huge intelligence industry (usa)

2. It was magnitudes more complex and involved than any other malware before it, using 4 different 0-day-exploits (exploits in software that aren’t known to the vendor/public). Pretty much every piece of malware uses no 0-day, with the best ones using one or two 0-days. These 0-day-exploits are valued in the 100 000s and millions of €, to give you a sense of scale.

3. It was IIRC the first time a country used malware to attack another country (that the public knows of), so it was pretty much unexpected

4. The attackers were lucky that such a complicated piece of malware worked

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