: what the Stuxnet virus is and why it was so successful


I mean Worm not Virus

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18 Answers

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Stuxnet was a virus probably designed by CIA and/or Mossad, it had one goal and one goal only, to fuck up centrifuges Iran used to enrich Uranium, and it was successful. It successfully delayed Iranian efforts to build nuclear weapons, it fucked up the equipment Iran used and only recently Iran was caught having enritched Uranium to 85ish%.

That said, Stuxnet was a delay tactic, it was never meant to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, it was meant to delay Iranian ability to develop nukes. If you want to go into conspiracy territory, you need only to look at the map of that part of the world on early 2000’s. US has invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003 and smack dab in the middle, right between the two was Iran. It’s easy to speculate that maybe, just maybe, US was thinking of invading Iran too at the time.

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