what was the beginning of oil as a fuel?


( I’m not sure I got the right flair for this please correct me if it’s wrong )

This question is more focused on Modern history (which might be pretty broad depending on your definition so let’s just say 19th/20th century

Another question that I kinda wanna ask is similar to this one that being what is the first use of oil as a vehicle fuel

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5 Answers

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The first internal combustion engine was built in 50 years earlier 1798, but without any real oil industry it didn’t take off, especially since coal was being widely mined and used.

Non-petroluem oils like plant oils have been burnt for fuel for thousands of years. Petroleum has also been used, for various things, for thousands of years, but its naturally more of a thick tar. It was first refined as a fuel for lamps in the mid 1800s, initially in America and then worldwide.

Gas engines started to be explored for real around this time, once there was a lot of oil already being pumped and refined in many countries. By 1886 one Karl Benz made and sold the first commercial gas engine, powering a 3-wheeled contraption. You might recognize his name, his company still exists today. Rudof Diesel invented the diesel engine in 1896, and the Ford Model T made cars a widespread machine (instead of a rich person’s toy) starting in 1908.

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