what was the beginning of oil as a fuel?


( I’m not sure I got the right flair for this please correct me if it’s wrong )

This question is more focused on Modern history (which might be pretty broad depending on your definition so let’s just say 19th/20th century

Another question that I kinda wanna ask is similar to this one that being what is the first use of oil as a vehicle fuel

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Use of oil in a broad sense as fuel is ancient. Stone oil lamps date to the stone age, and oil lamps of some form have been used by nearly all human populations at one time or another. Most were powered by animal fat (like seal blubber used by Inuit to heat their homes), but plant oils (particularly from nuts and seeds) were sometimes used too.

If you mean petroleum, that’s more recent. The Persian Empire used it for heating and lighting; it’s mentioned in fourth-century-BC tablets from Persepolis (the capital). It’s been used in vehicles about as long as we’ve *had* powered vehicles.

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