What were the major differences between South African apartheid and American segregation?


Moreover, why wasn’t the United States blackballed on a global scale for segregation the way South Africa was for apartheid?

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It’s a matter of timing.
What was OK in 1870 was not OK in 1970

US started rolling back segregation in the late 1800s and by the mid-1900s most US laws related to segregation or race preferences had been struck off the books or ruled unconstitutional.

People generally didn’t used to complain too much when a country was trying to do the right thing. (Plus, it’s America. At that time, the biggest economy by far. Who’s going to sanction it?)

South African laws on the other hand kept its segregation laws until 1991, when they ditched them under pressure from sanctions.

South Africa? Small country. Also, easy to remind America about its ugly racial past and have it move to apply sanctions.