what would happen if governments made billionaires actually pay the appropriate amount of tax based on their income?

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what would happen if governments made billionaires actually pay the appropriate amount of tax based on their income?

In: Economics

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lot of rich people shilling going on here. I’m pretty bad at economics but I’ll give it a go. In a “perfect world” they all stay and agree to pay a larger portion in taxes, the vehicle for this can be an increased tax rate or closing tax loopholes which are being used to offset their tax responsibilities. In a less perfect probably closer to reality, some will leave, do a better job of shielding their finances (think off shores, shell companies, etc), or straight up old school tax evasion. The increase in the government budget is probably close to being stastically significant and if nothing else would go a long way to quelling anomosity between the financial classes.

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