What would happen if we could zoom in with a microscope infinitely? Would we keep seeing more detail or is there a ‘cut off’ where we can’t see any more detail?


What would happen if we could zoom in with a microscope infinitely? Would we keep seeing more detail or is there a ‘cut off’ where we can’t see any more detail?

In: 3141

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Actually, I think that’s impossible to answer. The point is, there are multiple reasons WHY we can’t zoom in infinitely, all down to how our universe works. To zoom in iinfinitely, you’re going to have to throw some of those away – and it’s going to be a different universe, with different rules. So you may get an answer, but it will be the answer for THAT universe – not ours.

“You can’t get there from here…”, in other words.

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