: What would I see if I stacked a meter of microscopic particles ?


If each particle is too small to see, I surely would see something with that big of a stack. Would it be like seeing water when i cannot see individual water molecule but I see a glass of water ? Maybe like sand ? But with sand i can look closer and see grains..
I cannot figure for sure what I would see.

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6 Answers

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It depends (a little bit) by what you mean by particles but significantly more by what you mean by stacked, and also what material the particles are.

Let me give you an example. A meter stick is a 1-meter tall stack of atoms. Atoms are waaaaaay smaller than microscopic. You can see a meter stick, right? But, if you look end on to a meter stick, you see that it is, maybe an inch wide by a half cm tall. So there are already quintillions of atoms just in every layer of the stack.

So maybe you mean a single particle stacked on another single particle… All the way up to 1 m tall. This would be a very very unstable beam. Like balancing a km long pencil probably. But what kinds of particles. If they are just barely too small to see with the naked eye, then even two of them should become just barely visible.

If instead, they are significantly too small to see with a naked eye, then stacking them 1 wide will never become visible. Our eyes can’t distinguish things smaller than a certain visual angle, so if the particle stack itself is smaller than that, we won’t see it.

There are some notable curiosities tangentially related. Gold can actually form an opaque layer at only a few atoms thick. That’s why gold plating is so useful, and gold leaf exists. It’s not a 1 m tall stack, but you could say it’s a few nanometers tall if you’re looking at thickness, or you could say it’s however wide and long the object being played is, but then we’re going back to the particles being stacked in two different directions that is now visible because obviously it would be.

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