What would need to change for US citizens to have more than two choices at election.

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I know we technically have more than two choices, but what would need to change for it to simply be 1) person A, 2) person B, or 3) throwaway vote.

And maybe there are multiple avenues?

In: Other

49 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

About $10,000,000,000,000. That would probably be the cost to buy off the existing assholes in the legislature, pay off the lobbyists, and get a reliable internet encrypted ID method that would be tamper resistant. AND – it would require a codifying of penalties to anyone who interferes.


Here’s the rub – Let’s assume a voting population of 150M eligible citizens. A voting holiday, and instant tabulation. You vote, you see the results online, instantly.

There would be mechanisms in place, to avoid vote buying, dead voters, repeat voters and all the typical vote scams. Penalties would be SEVERE. Like, maybe exile or something.


The vote is to legalize abortion, ban guns, whatever your personal litmus test is…

And, you vote. And you LOSE.

Now what?

It was legit, it was legal and it was FINAL. Like, FINAL final. Like, no more abortions – EVER. Or legalized abortion. FOREVER?

Or all the guns are banned. ALL OF THEM.

What do you expect the losers to do? If it was an overwhelming majority, you shrug and go “Oh, well.”

But what if it was only ONE vote. I mean, that’s the idea, right? One person, one vote.

Are you still going to be ‘happy’ about the choice made by the WINNERS?

Yeah, voting is a complete scam.

Figure out the best thing to do, the ethical thing, the moral thing.

Then do THAT. Without votes. Just do no evil.

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