What would need to change for US citizens to have more than two choices at election.

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I know we technically have more than two choices, but what would need to change for it to simply be 1) person A, 2) person B, or 3) throwaway vote.

And maybe there are multiple avenues?

In: Other

49 Answers

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There are a number of voting systems that exist that drastically help reduce the spoiler problem that exists in [First Past the Post](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting) (FPTP) voting, which is the problem you are asking about. The first three I’ll describe work well with single-winner positions.

[Ranked Choice Voting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting) (RCV) is probably the best known of these, and is used in some elections. The basic idea here is that voters rank the candidates in order of preference and ballots are counted against the highest ranked. If no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote, the lowest candidate is eliminated and all ballots counted for them are recounted using the next choice on the ballot. This process is repeated until one candidate has more than 50% of the vote or there are exactly two candidates that each got exactly 50% (which results in a dead tie). It still has some mathematical issues that cause a spoiler effect.

[Approval Voting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting) is another option, and is the most similar to FPTP. With this, instead of voting for a single candidate, voters vote for any candidate you approve of winning. The single candidate with the most votes wins the election. This system also works very well for elections with multiple identical positions, such as is common with city consuls – and its often basically used for elections of that type.

[STAR Voting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STAR_voting) is somewhat similar to RCV, but you rank each candidate with a number of stars. For the first round of counting, the total number of stars each candidate got is tallied, and the top two candidates move to the second round. In the second round, each ballot is counted only for the candidate, of the two that moved on, with the highest stars on that ballot. This system basically runs an open primary election at the same time as the general election.

There are also a class of options known as [Proportional Representation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportional_representation) that only work in cases where there are a lot of similar positions, such as the United States House of Representatives has. All of these require at large elections. That is, all positions are filled rather than having any districts or other breakdowns, which is a win in its own as they remove any possibility of gerrymandering. Basically, the House of Representatives would be filled on a nation-wide basis rather than each state having districts that get their own representative.

[Party List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_list) is the simplest of these systems to understand. For the closed version, which is easier to understand, each political party would submit a list of candidates, and voters vote for one of the lists. Candidates are elected from the lists based on the proportional number of votes that list got. If Democrats get 55% of the vote, they get 55% of the seats. The main question for this is how to decide which parties get to submit a list for the ballot for any given election – the ballot would likely only show the party name. There are also questions as to how to round the numbers, given that its unlikely the vote will split on a perfect multiple of the seat count.

[Single Transferable Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote) is another fairly simple version, though its not quite as solid. For the voter, the voting looks the same as RCV. During counting, however, ballots cast for winners or eliminated candidates will be reassigned to lower candidates based on rules. The end result is very similar to an Open Party List, but using RCV rather than single voting for each ballot.

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