what X-rays of my teeth at the dentist show and why it has to be radioactive and what the heavy apron does

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what X-rays of my teeth at the dentist show and why it has to be radioactive and what the heavy apron does

In: Physics

24 Answers

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The xrays show the doctors your entire teeth, meaning also the part that is concealed by the gums. This helps them better understand how they’re seated on the bone and how they should proceed. It’s radioactive because x-rays are electromagnetic radiation that pass through most objects, but not all, and we essentially pass them through us and catch them from behind with a film, like a photograph. What we see as our bones in an xray are basically the parts the xrays can’t go through, so what’s left on the film is essentially the shadow of your skeleton. Unfortunately, it is also what is known as “ionizing radiation” meaning they can damage our DNA. However we can’t really use another wavelength as that’s the one that gives us the best image for medical purposes. The heavy apron is lead lined. Xrays can’t go through lead so the apron helps keep your exposure to a minimum.

Generally speaking getting a few xrays isn’t that dangerous overall, and the benefits outweigh the risks. But frequent exposure to them could cause damage.

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