What happens if a shitty 3rd world country enters a cash shortage and no one can take out cash from the banks and ATM’s.

What does a cash shortage mean for an economy on life support?

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3 Answers

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I’ll leave it up to the Lebanese to decide whether their country qualifies as a “shitty 3rd world country”, but anyways, when a country enters a cash shortage, at some point people will [start robbing banks](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-62514631) merely to get at their own money:

>An armed man who held a bank hostage for more than six hours in Beirut because he could not withdraw savings has been hailed a hero by the public.
>His actions captured public support – with cheering crowds gathering outside and chanting: “You are a hero.”
>The stand-off eventually ended peacefully with no injuries, after negotiators struck an agreement allowing the suspect to receive $35,000 (£29,000) of his savings upfront, LBC TV channel reported.

>[…] his wife and brother, who were outside the bank, said that “everybody should do the same” to get access to what is “rightfully theirs”.

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