What’s a solution to Zeno’s Paradox that proves math/physics is a viable tool for determining the laws of reality.


I got into an argument with a friend who says logic and reason alone cannot determine the truth, and that we need emotions too. He says that Zeno’s Paradox is proof of the shortcomings of math/physics in determining the nature of reality. Is he right about this? I thought math/physics are the holy grails for understanding the nature of the universe.

In: Physics

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The solution to Zeno’s paradox is that infinities are tricky! There an infinite number of steps to go, but each step beceoms infinitely shorter! And so proper mathematics of infinities and limits are needed to be rigorous about it.

In casual discussions, its often left out that there is a rich field of logically consistent mathematics dealing with the limit of things as they tend towards infinite quantities, and those are very well understood.

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