What’s behind the apparent sensation of your phone vibrating in your pocket when it actually isn’t?


Typically a short vibration that suggests a message or notification came in

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our brains are really good at filtering the information from our nerves. You don’t notice your clothing constantly rubbing against you, mild breezes etc.

However, if you have something similar to an insect landing on you, your attention will immediately be drawn.

Phones are the same. it normally takes more than a month of phone ownership to detect “phantom vibrations”. After you have taught your brain “vibrations from my pocket are important”, then your body will instantly draw your attention to anything similar, even if it’s vibration from music, a muscle contraction, clothing catching on your skin.

Because, you know, it could be a killer mosquito and best not to take chances.

tl;dr your brain is trying to interpret information from lots of “dumb” nerves to work out what is going on and sometimes confuses vibration for other similarly spaced stimulation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

[Psychology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_vibration_syndrome). Your brain is not perfect, and leads you to believe things that aren’t real.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s anxiety tied to your phone, I get it and have Googled it. Same with the phantom ring tone, or I get phantom baby cries during a nap. There was a stressful phone game I used to play and I would often hear the theme music going when the game was not running.