Whats it called and my does water or fog move in a circle when something fast moves through it?


Like for example when a bullet passes through fog or on the tip of owls wings move through fog it makes that little circle. What is that? And mainly what is it called?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re describing a [vortex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex). Vortices (the plural of “vortex”) are a major feature of how fluids (liquids and gases) flow, especially when they flow quickly. You’ll find them in:

* The swirling patterns of milk poured into a coffee cup
* The wisps at the edges of clouds
* The patterns of boiling water on your stove
* The whirlpool at the bottom of a draining tub
* The flow of river and ocean currents

and hundreds of other places. Just about anywhere you have a quickly-moving (or more precisely, turbulent) fluid, you’ll see vortices form.

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