What’s the big advantage of UNIX?


I know it’s popular with professionals and scientists, and of course there’s MacOS, but I don’t know why. What makes it better or more preferable than something like Windows?

In: 22

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you choose Windows, you are forever locked with one supplier – Microsoft. They are the only company, who produces Windows-like OSes. If you have some niche problem with Windows – Microsoft can just refuse to service you, or demand an outrageous price. You can try to hack it yourself – but Microsoft will not help you, or even actively stop you.

There are many Unix-like OSes, many with open source code, some are even free. If you are having an uncommon problem, you can just hire a programmer to modify your OS. You can even create your own OS by taking a code of an existing one, and slapping your own code on top (that’s how MacOS was created ~~from FreeBSD~~, or how Sony creates OSes for their Playstation consoles).

There is also quite a lot of programs written for Unix – those programs can be easily converted to run on a new OS.

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