what’s the deal with vegetable oil vs. butter? Is butter actually healthier?

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I saw a video talking about how nature will reject a block of margarine, like bugs and stuff won’t eat it. But if you put a stick of butter out it will be eaten in hours. Is that just an unsubstantiated internet claim for controversy sake, or is that really the case?

Later, I read somewhere that recent studies found regular users of butter experienced reduced levels of cancer compared to regular users of vegetable oil. I don’t have these studies, but I’d also like to know if that’s a truthful claim or not as well. Thanks.

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Butter is the fat in milk binded together so it gets all the good nutrients trapped into it as it clumps together and is separated from butter milk

Margarine has to be 80% fat, other than that I don’t think it matters on nutrients such as vitamins or protein found in butter

Vegetable Oil is usually extracted from pressing produce to extract the unsaturated fats and certain vitamins come through in this process

Everything in moderation but overall butter is usually the better choice, vegetable oil is been found to be linked in higher LDL (bad cholesterol)

The easiest way I could think of this is that oil burns longer, or in other words is harder for the body to burn so the oils end up deposited in your blood vessels where butter will be deposited on hips and gut as fat cause the body was able to process it more efficiently

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