What’s the differ between nihilism, existentialism, and absurdism?



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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The others do a good job of explaining it in complete laymans terms, but I want to add one detail many miss about nihilism: Nietzsche did not advocate for it. With the Enlightenment, religion started playing a less important role in society, and without religion, we didn’t have a properly defined moral system. Without God, what’s the point? We either had the choice of succumbing to that, nihilism, or to find our own meaning, which is where existentialism and absurdism come in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The others do a good job of explaining it in complete laymans terms, but I want to add one detail many miss about nihilism: Nietzsche did not advocate for it. With the Enlightenment, religion started playing a less important role in society, and without religion, we didn’t have a properly defined moral system. Without God, what’s the point? We either had the choice of succumbing to that, nihilism, or to find our own meaning, which is where existentialism and absurdism come in.